Thursday, 17 March 2011

Creating the adverts - Radio Advert

As a radio advert, it is key to use sound and words which may attract the viewer. This is exactly what we did in the making of this advert. The whole advert was made in Garage band on the Macbook pro. We have gone ahead with the ideas which we originally thought of as we believe that they will work well in the way we want to portray our documentary, in it's 'dark and gloomy' theme.

We started off importing the music we wanted to use. We chose to use the opening track to what we used in the documentary. We cut the audio down, in the right time frame, our advert being roughly 30-40 seconds long, the usual for this type of advertisement.

zooming in on audio timeline, and carefully cutting

We then asked a collection of girls and boys in our sixth form to say wikileaks into the yet microphone. We recorded around 10 voices and used about half of that, playing with the pitch, making some deeper than others. This low pitch voice created a hidden, secret feel as this technique is used frequently for covering up and protecting peoples voice. We then imported a few key lines which Kenneth Clarke mentioned in our interview and by this, it touches on our topic, engaging the listener to some of the key points we are answering.

deepening the pitch

We also added in a few echo effects and further played with the voice to try and give the listener the darkest possibly approach which was sensible for our documentary. We were pleased with the advert and produced it in two different formats, one used in an example of the radio and just the advert itself. Here was the final look at our timeline in garage band:

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