Saturday, 12 March 2011

Creating the adverts - Posters

To create these posters I have used Adobe Photoshop and simply tweeked any necessary areas using Paint on a windows PC.

First of all when making these, it is important to get the basics in place. In this case, the height and width ratio's where the first steps I took. All posters varied in ratio.

For my Bus stop and Billboard posters, I coloured the background in full black, to match the theme and genre of our documentary. I then important my image of Julian Assange which I will be using for the posters.

My magazine article was slightly different, where I first added in a picture of a tap (to show signs on leaking) and then had to play around with the gradients. I used a dark grey which merged into white.

an example of my gradient

The image I chose for the bus stop and billboard ads, is Julian Assange under going an interview. The general picture is dark, however had a blue background, therefore this needed to be tweaked to fit in with the black background. By simply zooming in, I was able to use a black brush and carefully fill in these blue areas and change them into black.

The picture also had a sharp edge in the right corner. By changing this sharp corner to make it blend with the poster, I feathered the black brush into merging with the background which gave it a much finer look and looked a lot better. Here is an example:

As a bus stop and billboard designs had to be relatively simple and to the point it was pretty much adding in text and a few extra inputs from there.

My layout was already planned. For the bus stop I wanted the image of Julian Assange to be quite powerful, therefore it being reasonably big on the poster. On the billboard the image holds on the right of the side, with the name of the documentary Wikileaks: What's Next? and the date of screening. This was simple and effective enough to attract the viewer.

Text and colours of my billboard. Simple, big and eye catching.

The bus stop was the next step up in terms of detail compared to the billboard so a few extra designs were implemented. Although it still had to be straight to the point, I added in three rounded up, relevant words to the poster. These were, Internet, Control and Government. This gives an idea of what the documentary covers in terms of topic. These words also act in a powerful manner also, as they are all big important products of society, and being blunt adds even more punch to the poster.

In the text of these three words, I have used a 'highlight' effect over the words to join in with the 'computer' theme. This white block which covers underneath the text represents that of when you highlight words on any type of text on your computer.

The magazine was a different design to the billboard and bus stop, mainly due to its placement. As being in magazine, the audience has time to look at the page and view it in a lot more detail, therefore the addition of mainly more text. I wanted to also create a different type of design, changing up the iconic picture of Assange to something different. I chose to use a dripping tap (symbolising wikileaks) as the only picture coming from the top of the advert. This doesn't give too much away and leaves a mysterious element to the documentary. I've added in a catchy phrase which will hopefully again round up the general topic of our documentary, with a little paragraph summarising the areas the documentary covers.

All designs laid out in photoshop, almost completed

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