Saturday, 15 January 2011

London Filming

So yesterday we started filming on our documentary in London. We focused on the House of Commons, due to it being relevant with the government, and around Southbank where we could require suitable shots for the interview and also get some fill shots. It was also important that the weather was cloudy giving a gloomy setting, to match our theme. Fortunately, the weather was just what we wanted.

Once in London we interviewed 4 members of the public, who gave us great answers and all were aware of the Wikileaks story. The interviews went well and we had enough footage to cut after the 4 people had been interviewed. One problem we came across was that we were told to not use the tripod in the area, resulting in us having to film hand held.

We then moved on to different areas around southbank. We thought we may aswell film our opening speech while there, however whether we will use it or not will be decided once we edit. We circled the house of commons collecting a number of shots which can be used as filling shots.

When down near the House of Commons, Allistair Darling, the famous M.P approached us, jumping at the opportunity we quickly asked him for an interview to which he replied 'no'. However, what made the situation worse was that we forgot to film, which could have made a nice 'rejection' in our documentary.

Although the good news is we have got a reply from Kenneth Clarke, offering us an appointment for interview. Updated Contacting Mr. Clarke post on the reply.

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