Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Contacting Mr Clarke

Through contacting Mr Clarke's PA, Debbie, we were able to get hold of an address to contact him. We then wrote up a letter to send to Mr Clarke which will go to his office in the House of Commons.

Here is the write up of this letter:

Dear Mr Clarke

We are a group of 6th Form media students from Heathside School, Weybridge.
For our media A level coursework we have been asked to film a section of a documentary. We have chosen to create a documentary on the recent Wikileaks story and how the government have been handling it. In the section we would like to include a description of what’s happening and why, and include an interview with a well respected politician such as your self.

The interview will only last 15 minutes and will include questions on what control the government have over breaches like these, we would be very happy to send you a list of the questions which we have prepared.
We feel as though you are the most relevant to our documentary as you have a lot of experience in politics and are the current Minister of Justice so have a relevance to how the government should deal with criminal offences such as Julian Assange’s.

Unfortunately this is a no budget shoot however it would help us greatly in completing our media coursework and we would be very grateful to have the participation of such a well known public figure such as yourself. The documentary will only be seen by our fellow media classmates, teacher and examiner and will not be shared publicly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely

Calum Bowen, George Nicholls and Zoe Woodbridge

UPDATED: 13th Jan.

Fortunately we got a reply offering us a slot at 11:50 (his last appointment) in his surgery on the Saturday morning of January the 22nd. His surgery is placed in his constituency in Nottingham. The surgery is where local residents of his constituency come forward with questions and ideas which may be on their mind. They are held once a month, so he has a very busy schedule and we are very grateful for the 15 minute slot he has offered us.

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